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A story of hope

It’s been said that perspective is everything when facing life’s challenges.

This year has been full of challenges for Mark Keitz, operations supervisor in the Barnett Shale, and his family. But, with the help of Williams’ employees across the country and the Williams Matching Gifts Program, the Keitz Family has maintained a positive perspective.

Mark’s daughter Kaylee was recently diagnosed with both type 1 diabetes and Gitelman’s syndrome, a kidney disorder.  The dual-diagnosis is extremely rare. In fact, a doctor told the family that Kaylee getting both of these diseases is like being bitten by a shark and struck by lightning in the same day.

Together the diseases are difficult to treat because both work against each other. Treatment for diabetes contradicts treatment for Gitleman’s syndrome meaning constant monitoring of specific vital signs is mandatory.

This rare situation has led to a unique solution thanks to Williams’ employees supporting one of our own.

Watch this blog for an update to Kaylee’s story in mid-January.

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