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Exploring the extra benefits of natural gas

leapyearsdaySome days you need that extra cup of coffee or that extra five minutes to get to work on time. And today, we celebrate that once every four years extra day added to our February calendar, known as Leap Year. But in a life full of “extras” what are some extra benefits of natural gas?

Here are five:

  1. It’s extra abundant and cheap. Natural gas supplies nearly one-fourth of all the energy used in the United States. Prices are at an all-time low and abundant supplies are helping the United States reach energy independence, while helping customers save money and reduce their carbon footprint.
  2. It’s extra efficient. According to the American Gas Association, about 90 percent of the natural gas produced is delivered to customers as useful energy.
  3. It’s extra versatile. Rain or shine. Blizzard or extreme heat. You can depend on your natural gas utility to light and heat your home and cook your food. More than half of the homes in the United States use natural gas.
  4. It’s extra clean. Natural gas is the most environmentally friendly hydrocarbon fossil fuel. Only water and carbon dioxide result from its combustion.
  5. It provides for the extras you use every day. Products made from natural gas include toothpaste and tooth brushes, fertilizer, tires for your car or truck, crayons that your child colors with at school and that golf ball you hit last weekend.

Sources: American Gas Association and the U.S. Department of Energy

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