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Feeding the hungry and serving hope

Two Williams employees are going above and beyond by helping those around them. Karen Rose and Rosemary Bagby have been faithfully serving at Filling the Void for the past several years.

Karen Rose preparing some of the thousands of meals delivered this year.

Filling the Void is an outreach organization founded in 2003 with a mission to lift up the homeless and needy. Between the work of four volunteers, they have served over 4,500 meals to the needy during the pandemic from April to July.

“We serve more than a sandwich, we serve hope,” Rose said.

Rose leads the Tulsa branch of Filling the Void and is a tax analyst for Williams. She is the longest tenured volunteer across four cities dating back to 2004 when she started volunteering.

When times got tough, they stepped up their efforts to help those in need. From April to July they served  nearly double the amount served during the same period last year.

Rose says she strives to give hope to people who desperately need it. Seeing those who she has helped make it out of their situation encourages her to continue serving.

In 2013, Rose was joined by Bagby, a reprographics operator for Williams. Bagby said she also has a passion to help people.

Filling the Void is dedicated to fostering lasting life changes and to seeing those in need go from meals to miracles.

Filling the Void founder and former Williams employee Kelly Swan says “It’s not just about serving, it’s about responsibility. We have a responsibility to defend the rights of the poor and needy and that is what I want to do with my life. Companies like Williams have helped make that possible.”

Swan also said that to this day, the largest grant that the organization has received is from Williams.

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