Charitable Giving

Energy and Pizza: Williams-Sponsored Pizza Party Celebrates Ninth Graders in Tunkhannock

Staff Reports


Williams recently shared our love of pizza with some very smart ninth graders from Tunkhannock Area High School.

We sponsored a pizza party on March 26 that celebrated the students’ success during a Careers in Energy event that took place in February at their school.

We participated in the event along with other industry partners, and promised we would sponsor a pizza party for the team that won an energy education competition answering questions based on what they learned in the presentations.

The students did a wonderful job during the competition, and we were very pleased to sponsor the event and to have some of our employees help serve pizza.

The Careers in Energy event is part of the program coordinated by the Northern Tier Industry & Education Consortium, focused on providing the school’s ninth graders with presentations regarding energy development and various careers in the energy sector.