
MountainWest includes approximately 2,000 miles of natural gas transmission pipelines and 56 Bcf of gas storage, including the Clay Basin underground storage reservoir, providing valuable service to western markets.

Customer Hotline: (385) 426-3472

24-Hour Emergency Contact: 800-300-2025

Operational Details

MoutainWest Pipeline

  • System Peak Design Capacity: 2.6 million dekatherms per day
  • Supply Areas: Located in Rocky Mountains near six major producing areas, including Greater Green River, Uinta, and Piceance Basins
  • Market Areas: Transports natural gas to various Salt Lake City delivery points as well as other major pipeline systems for delivery to markets in the West and Mid-Continent
  • Miles of Transmission Pipeline: 1,868 miles
  • Compressor Stations: 14
  • Storage Assets: Depleted reservoir Clay Basin (54.0 Bcf) and aquifer storage peaking facilities Leroy(0.8 Bcf), Coalville (0.7 Bcf), and Chalk Creek (0.3 Bcf)
  • Clay Basin is key underground storage reservoir in the RockiesStrategically located at center of MountainWest system

MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline

  • System Peak Design Capacity: 2.8 million dekatherms per day
  • Supply Areas: Serves producers in the Greater Green River, Wamsutter, and other Rockies basins and provides transport to interconnected interstate pipelines importing gas from other regions
  • Market Areas: Delivers regional and imported natural gas to multiple market outlets, enables shippers to access both eastern and western markets given the bi-directional pipeline flow capabilities.
  • Miles of Transmission Pipeline: 261 miles
  • Compressor Stations: 3

White River Hub

  • 4 miles of 36-inch pipeline, ~11 miles of 30-inch pipeline and related interconnect facilities
  • System Peak Design Capacity: 2.6 million dekatherms per day
  • Hub services Piceance natural gas production access to interconnected pipelines including Northwest Pipeline, MountainWest Pipeline, Rockies Express Pipeline, Colorado Interstate Gas Pipeline, and Wyoming Interstate Pipeline
  • 50/50 JV between (hub operator) and Enterprise Products Partners L.P.
  • Provides producers, marketers, and shippers access to downstream markets for Piceance Basin gas